Tuesday 15 April 2014

for M

for Missing Child

This is kind of following on from my post yesterday about the time I got "lost". This is a reflection from my teaching career about the time I "lost" a child in my class...

I was teaching a lower primary class - Year 1/2. I had a little boy in my class who was often a sleeper. After lunch each day the students would do silent reading, get a book, find a piece of carpet, lay down and read for about 15 minutes. A lot of the time this young fellow would fall asleep. I figured he obviously needed the sleep so I would leave him there and the other students would just continue to work around him. At the end of the day his older sister would come to the room to try and collect him and it would be so hard to wake him.

One day after lunch we followed our usual routine but when it was time to pack up from silent reading this young lad was nowhere to be found! I called his name... I asked the other students if they had seen him, none of them appeared to have knowledge of his whereabouts... I panicked... I immediately phoned the office to report him missing and sent the Principal and some Teacher-Aides on a full school boy-hunt! There was slight mayhem whilst they searched and phoned the room to see if he had arrived...nope...

After what I am sure felt like eternity I had to phone the office to admit my missing child had been located. The Principal informed me he would be right up, (in my head I thought I was going to cop it), he demanded to know where the student was... I led him to the large metal shelving unit that stored a lot of art and other supplies and pulled back the curtain to reveal the youngen sound asleep on the bottom shelf...

Linking up my A to Z Challenge Post with Essentially Jess for IBOT!

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