Monday, 11 August 2014

to move on..

I can always rely on the I Must Confess prompt to get me thinking and lately they have had me catapolting back into the past...

I Must Confess...the past is not somewhere I always like to look, somethings are best left in the past and unspoken of again.

This week the link up is being hosted by the amazing Emma at Five Degrees of Chaos with the prompt...
'If I could go back to one single moment in my life, it would be...',

 again there are lots of moments that I could write about, like that bad haircut, saying yes to that bad date, not getting off that bus, filling out that transfer application, buying that return ticket...but then I remembered a previous confession that kind of links to this one. 

A while back we confessed our biggest regrets and while I talked myself out of it being an actual regret the more I think about it the more I think that if I could go back and change it the more I think I would. 

Making all the choices I have made along the way have gotten me to where I am today and there's parts of me that can't possibly regret that as that would be saying all the friends and all the experiences were a regret and that cannot possibly be true.

I've had a lot of conversations lately about my work with friends who constantly tell me they love their job.... I have never said that, never thought that and perhaps if I could go back to one single moment in my life, it would be to when I chose my university preferences, or maybe it would be to not actually accepting that offer of a teaching degree. Perhaps I would have taken more time to find out what I love and what I am passionate about.

Each decision we make has flow on affects, some good, some bad. That decision I made way back then has lead to some of the best and some of the worst experiences of my life so it's hard to imagine how different things would be for me if I made a different decision back then but one thing is for would be different.

But as I said earlier and in my previous post on this topic, there is no point in wondering about the 'what if's' because I did, and here I am and all I can do now is continue to move forward and see where my current decisions and plans take me!

Linking up with Emma from Five Degrees of Chaos for I Must Confess and Alicia from One Mother Hen for Open Slather.

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