Tuesday, 12 August 2014

for ProBlogger...almost

According to my countdown app we have just 19 days (at the time of writing this) until we head to the Gold Coast for ProBlogger...eeekk!!

If you're going then an email from Darren with some updates and asking us to reflect on our blogging dreams would have landed in your inbox on Thursday.

I am getting so excited about heading to the coast for these few days, I applied for 2 days long service leave which was granted without question and Marleisa from This is Who I am and I are heading there Thursday so as not to miss a minute of the action! As the event draws nearer I am reading more and more from other amazing bloggers getting prepared for the trip, some have already started packing, some are booking in hair appointments, some are planning their nautical outfits for the Friday night and the Helm Bar....to be honest I am just thinking of the MOUNTAIN of work that I need to get through before I can even think about anything else.

In a way I am also so nervous. It kind of feels like I am heading off to High School again for the first time, and I am a junior. Even though my blog is about 18 months old I still feel like such a Novice. When I was looking through the program and deciding what sessions to go to there were things mentioned that I have no idea what they even are!! I have been reading tweets, blogposts and facebook statuses by many other bloggers who I love reading that are attending and I am so excited to be in a room with all these other wonderful bloggers, let alone potentially having the opportunity to talk to them. I feel like they are the seniors, the cool crew, and that I will be standing in the corner in awe of their awesomeness and wondering if any of them will want to be my friend (damn I hate the introvert in me sometimes)! I feel like I am going to be way out of my league! hahaha...

I also am not quite sure how to respond to Darren's question about what my dream is for my blog. I guess my main reason for starting the blog was to share my 12wbt journey and just document rantings, ravings, and events of my life. Kind of like the LiveJournal I had years ago. Somewhere to just ramble and rant and rave and maybe someone would find it worth reading. But the more I have blogged and the more I have discovered about blogging the more exciting the prospect that you could actually make money out of blogging is kind of exciting. I don't think I would ever be there but it's exciting nonetheless.

Recently there has been that 'why I write' prompt going around and when no-one mentioned me in it, at first I was kind of cut a bit (yes just like at high school when all the popular girls are invited to something and you miss out) but then I realised I was secretly glad that I wasn't asked because I had no real answer. I loved how people wrote about writing being in their blood and that they wouldn't know what to do if they didn't write, that people say they HAVE to do it, I love how creative some people are and how passionate people are about their writing and their blog themes. I have no real theme to my blog, I'm not a fashion blogger, definitely not a mummy or craft blogger, I put myself in the 'general' category. I'm not really sure why I write, I just do...

I am coming to ProBlogger with no real expectations and just looking forward to being a sponge and soaking up as much information as I possibly can and seeing where it can lead me on this journey. I am also super excited about it being held at QT, Marleisa and I stayed there earlier in the year just on a girls weekend away and L.O.V.E.D it!

Are you going to ProBlogger? What are you hoping to gain from the experience? Will you talk to me if you see me standing in the corner by myself?

Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT!

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