Wednesday, 11 September 2013

for Wordless Wednesday

Remember a few weeks ago I told you someone near and dear to me was pregnant with twins....well last weekend we went on a bit of a photo shoot and I attempted to take some piccies for her... we ended the day with this one for a bit of a laugh...

Linking up with....

Twinkle In The Eye      My Little Drummer Boys


  1. Aww how cute! ha ha! Hope things go smoothly for her. x Aroha

  2. Nice touch. Best of luck for your friend :-)

  3. hahaha!! Love it! That's a great picture your friend can cherish always.

  4. I love this. One of my mates has just found out that she is pregnant with twins. Will suggest this idea to her

  5. Love it! My twins will be 7 next month, I wish I'd thought of something like this when I was pregnant with them!

  6. That's a great one!
    PS thank you so much for the Liebster nomination, it's on my to-do list :)

  7. Bless that is a very creative idea - twins! WOW - no way jose

  8. Twins would be so cool!! I love the picture of the two little ones with the due date, cute!
    Happy Pregnancy, and safe birth to be :)

  9. that is such a great idea!!!! Very cute!

    WW visiting!
