Tuesday, 3 September 2013

for another Leibster Award

Was totally stoked when Aroha at Colours of Sunset told me she had nominated me for The Leibster! For those who don’t know, the Liebster is “The award is given to support and recognize up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers (on their blog) or likers (on their Facebook page). The word “Liebster” apparently has German origins and is reported to mean sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.” (stolen right from Aroha's post which she stole from her nominators post!)

My blogging journey started back in January and to be honest has been a bit hit and miss every since.. it was something that I had been thinking about for a while. I had no real idea where to start or what to do until Mish Bridges recommended we start one when we started our 12wbt journey, but the real kickstart was a friend of mine starting her own and she helped me get started.

I had always considered that my blog, as a single woman in her 30's, would resemble that of Cara Bradshaw in Sex and the City...I'd blog about my adventures in the single world and make people laugh and someone one day would notice it....

It didn't take long for me to come up with the name, It's time..., It kind of felt right. I had made some pretty big decisions to make some positive changes in my life and I decided it was time to start putting me first, it was time for me to meet someone and I imagined finding similar people in similar stages of their life. But the truth me know, many of the bloggers I have found are mum's blogging about their life, loves and journey with their families...Don't get me wrong sometimes I love reading them and get a lot out of them but I will admit to skimming over the occassional blog post once I realise it's another blogpost about something I don't get to write about...

Anyway, enough of the pity party... this is meant to be my acceptance post for my award!!!

When you receive a Liebster the deal is you are to
  • answer 11 questions set by your nominee
  • write 11 additional facts about yourself
  • write 11 new questions of your own
  • pass the award onto 11 other bloggers to answer
 So here goes, my questions from Aroha...

1. Beach or mountains?
Can I say, sitting on a mountain looking at the beach!

2. Favourite blog subject to write about?
I guess I blog about life in general, not sure many of my posts follow a theme... I write about whatever is going on in my crazy head at the time.

3. If the world was ending in 12 days, what’s the first thing you’d do?
Buy as much chocolate and wine as I can and sit and eat it while hanging with all my favourite people listening to my favourite music.

4. Where can people follow you? (FB address/twitter handle/instagram name. etc.)
Great question!

5. What are you wearing?
Sounds seductive...lol.... black shorts, Lorna Jane singlet and thongs... Beautiful start to Spring here in Toowoomba

6. Adult beverage of choice?
Used to be rum and coke every time! But now I am a little older and wiser I tend to go for a sweet white wine.

7. Favourite exercise activity?
At the moment I am trying to fall in love with running, and it's slowly working.. But to be honest I am loving getting fitter and healthier at the moment

8. Here’s a $100 visa card. What’s the first shop you go to?
Myer...although $100 won't go far :-(
9. Give me 3 words that describe you.
Right now....tired, stressed, busy

10. What’s one thing on your “bucket list”?
Get married and have kids.... failing that I would settle for a trip to America, and inparticular to Nashville for the CMA Country Music Fest!
11. Are you a morning or a night person?
Neither but both...I think I used to be a night person but circumstances now are that I have to be a morning person... And I guess my body has adjusted to that, both mornings this weekend when I did not set an alarm or have any scheduled time I needed to be up by, and I woke up just after 6am! :-(

Now for 11 facts  about me....
1. I recently turned 34 and wrote a list of 34 facts about me...so if you really want to get to know me I guess you can go there!

Now for my 11 Nominees....
I found this really hard and this is why it has taken me so long to get on to doing this post. To be honest, I have no idea how many people follow my blog.... I am still such a novice at all this that most of the time I feel like I am just bluffing my way through... As I said I have no idea really hwo far reaching my blog is, a little daunting at times... and from what I can tell 53 people like me on Facebook, I have 5 friends in Google Friend Connect (or whatever that is!), 11 people have me in their circles on Google+, and in my followers it says I have 5 (but I am not convinced of this because someone who I know follows my blog is not listed there...)
Anyway, for me, I tend to follow people more through Facebook than their acutally blog so I decided that  for my nominees I would look for blogs that had less than 200 Facebook Followers... So my nominees are:

So be sure and check them out and like them on Facebook! and if they choose to accept the nomination, the questions are (and I may have stolen some from Aroha!)....

1. Favourite movie of all time?
2. Where can people follow you?
3. Chocolate or lollies?
4. If they made a movie of your life, who would you want to play you?
5. What is the last thing you ate.?
6. Favourite childhood memory?
7. Is there a topic you would never blog about?
8. What's your favourite linky?
9. Stranded on a desert island - which 3 famous people would you want with you and why?
10. Ultimate holiday destination?
11. What is the number 1 item on your bucket list?

Thanks again Aroha for the nomination, I really was chuffed!

and I'm also linking up with another great blogger Essentially Jess for IBOT!


  1. I love it! Made me laugh and smile. Thanks for taking the time to do it, it is nice to get to know the people behind the blogs you often read. If you go to Nashville for the CMA's, take me with you!?!?! x Aroha

  2. I'm such a nosey pants so thanks for sharing some more about your life - LOVE LOVE LOVE what you'd do on the last 12 days - I'd be joining you with all those goodies :) x

  3. Some lovely ladies on that list and a couple i'm heading over to meet now.

  4. Congrats on the liebster!
    For what it's worth, I love reading about your single, sex in the city -esque life. If only cause it's so far removed from mine. :)

  5. Awesome people on your list. I love reading these questionnaires that help us get a little peak into the bloggers

  6. Congrats on the Leibster and thanks so much for the nomination. I've been lucky enough to get 3 in the last month which is really wonderful. Also, I'm with you on the end of the world thing - wine and chocolates all the way!

  7. How lovely of you to nominate me - thank you. Like Leanne, I've also had some Leibster love thrown my way very recently. It's all a little bit of fun, isn't it? X

  8. Thanks for the nomination. I somehow missed this!! I'll get on to it on the weekend. Thanks Zita
