Monday, 29 July 2013

to confess my celebrity crush!

When Kirsty at My Home Truths gave this weeks prompt as confess your celebrity crush I was overwhelmed with images of hot celebrities!! How could I choose!!!

So I decided to follow on from last weeks "Who are you when no-one's looking" prompt where I confessed to being a wannabe country music superstar!

So here are my country music celebrity crushes that I would LOVE to do a duet with! (a girl can dream can't she....!). It was SO hard but I decided to limit myself to 5 so here goes, in no particular order...

5. Dierks Bentley

 4. Keith Urban

3. Kenny Chesney

 2. Luke Bryan

1. Tim McGraw

I feel there is no need for words here as these pictures speak for themselves!!! *sigh*


  1. At Uni I was in a play and on the back of the programme was a photo of Keith Urban in a Sgt Peppers Uniform with the Craziest '80's hair (except it was almost the '90's) that you ever did see. I wish I'd kept was hilarious. It does mean I only ever see him like that, no matter how slick he is now...that kind of makes me like him more, but that says something about me more than him...

    1. hahaha...yes googling him to find an image certainly was quiet funny! He went through quite a long haired pretty boy stage that's for sure!

  2. *sigh* indeed. Even though I would never live in the country again, the cowboy hat and well fitting jeans does it for me every time.

    1. oohhh Tegan you are speaking my language!

  3. *fans herself* Mmmm Keith *sigh* Yep.

    MC x

  4. I confess I had no idea who Keith Urban was until he married 'our' Nicole! You can see I don't listen to country music ;)

    1. WHAT!? Lol...don't know what you're missing Lani!

  5. Who knew there was so much hotness living in the 'Country'! Not me that's for sure, never have been a country music fan. Great selection that certainly do speak for themselves! :)

    1. Oh such hot men sing country music! Real men, not like these metrosexuals in pop music these days! lol...

  6. Oh...Yes, Keith Urban and Tim McGraw. What a great list! Love the country boys.

  7. Nice choices Zita - very nice indeed!!!

  8. Hadn't heard of any of them except Keith and he is HOT, but the others certainly ARE easy on the eye too. Nice list. Too bad I can't stand country music! lol

  9. I've only really heard of Keith and Tim, might need to google the rest.
