Thursday, 2 January 2014

for a reading challenge..

I saw on Facebook that one of my blogging colleagues was participating in a reading challenge in 2014 and thought that I would join her.

Reading is something that I absolutely love and don't do anywhere near enough of, especially once the iPad came into my life, but lately I have been leaving the iPad in the kitchen when I go to bed and making sure I read before bedtime. I am yet to be converted to reading on a tablet/kindle/iPad as I think you just can't beat the feel of a good real life book. And besides, when you fall asleep reading a book it doesn't hurt anywhere near as much or break when you drop it!

So the challenge that I have signed up for is the Australian Women Writers Challenge. Basically it's a way of promoting Australian Women Writers as you nominate how many books you are going to read and then, if you want to, you can review them as well and share your opinions with other readers through blogs, social media and the Australian Women Writers Website.

I am aiming for 6 books in 2014.... I am a sloooow reader though so while that may not sound like many it will certainly be a challenge. I have a few books already in mind to read but would love to hear any recommendations you may have!

Better still join me in the challenge!


  1. This sounds like a great challenge. I have a kindle and love it. I recently got given a couple of real books and I missed the ease of my kindle so much. I'm still yet to read The Hunger Games and have added them to my must read list this year.

  2. Is this to support Australian authors? Such an important thing to do in this day and age! Like Tegan I mainly read on my kindle these days. I feel like I have committed to so many challenges and goals this year but reading is my escape or time out so maybe I could squeeze this one in too…I'll look into it. Thanks for the idea x

    1. Yes it is Kate - to support and promote Australian Female Authors!

  3. Is this to support Australian authors? Such an important thing to do in this day and age! Like Tegan I mainly read on my kindle these days. I feel like I have committed to so many challenges and goals this year but reading is my escape or time out so maybe I could squeeze this one in too…I'll look into it. Thanks for the idea x

  4. I took this up last year but didn't meet my targets. This year, I'm only doing the Goodreads challenge and aiming to read 30 books. I contemplated taking up either the AWW or the Australian Author challenge but I'm not sure if I can meet the targets...still wondering though! :D Good luck with it! Looking forward to reading your reviews/hopefully finding new authors.

  5. I am keen to do this challenge next year I think. This year for me, reading-wise, is all about the series... I plan on reading all of the Song of Ice & Fire books (Game of Thrones), as well as re-reading all the Harry Potter novels, and when it's released, the third and final book in Justin Cronin's The Passge trilogy. And maybe even re-read The Hunger Games trilogy, but I might be pushing it with those, that will only be if I get through the other 14 books! I just started my third book last night, the 4th of 7 in the Game of Thrones series so I am on target to get through them all easily I reckon. Good luck with the challenge, I look forward to reading all the reviews!
