Wednesday, 8 January 2014

for a new smoothie recipe!

I have joined the Finding Myself Young 52 Weeks of Memories - It's a 'once a week photo challenge' for those of us who find the photo a day challenge a little bit overwhelming!

This week's prompt is "NEW" and this morning I tried a new smoothie recipe! Frozen Berries (I used a frozen single pack of blackberries, blueberries and raspberries) 1 banana, cup of yogurt (I use Greek Yogurt), 2 cups of Spinach (which I only ever considered a salad ingredient!).

Check out the weekly prompts here. You don't have to have a blog to join - link up on instagram using the #fmy52weeksofmemories

This photo challenge will be live every Wednesday which is also perfect as it coincides with my Wordless Wednesday link up! (I know I haven't been very wordless today but I promise to be in the future..

Check out who I am linking with today... Finding Myself Young...My Little Drummer Boys... Twinkle in the Eye


  1. Yummy! I recently tried a green smoothie with spinach, avocado, chia seeds and lime and it was delicious! Like you, spinach has always been a salad ingredient. Or juice. Might try yours out too shortly as I might just have all the ingredients...

  2. Thanks for linking up :)
    Looks yummy!

  3. That looks delicious Zita! I just had a banana/blueberry/spinach smoothie with lots of ice, love them! :)

  4. hey i reckon you would like my recipe: frozen banana, frozen strawberries, 1/2 avocado and your choice of milk. try that!

  5. Looks healthy but was it tasty? I'm sure it is - either way I should be smashing those back to fill me up :) x

    1. It was yummy actually!! The berries and banana flavour overpowered the spinach so didn't even notice! :)

  6. I've still not been brave enough to try the ole 'greens in the smoothie' trick but I think you just inspired me to give it a go!

    1. I was very reluctant Emma, but the next day I tried one with Avocado as was interesting, but both very yummy! I think the flavour of the fruit overshadows the greens! Go for it!

  7. Not much of a smoothie person. The mixed berries sounds delish though, and I can imagine how good this must be you!

  8. I love smoothies, you have inspired me to go that next step and throw in the greens, thank you!
