Monday, 6 January 2014

to confess..

Kirsty from My Home Truths is off exploring the wonders of NZ so this Monday we are confessing over at Ms Mystery Case and I have decided to follow her confessional regrading movies choices...

I must confess that when it comes to movies, more specifically DVDs, I give it 20 minutes...

I give a movie 20 minutes and if it has not intrigued me/sucked me in in 20 minutes I figure it's not going to and will turn it off! To be honest it hasn't happened often as I am usually pretty selective in what I watch and usually go with something that has come highly recommended or something pretty popular at the time.

I will also confess that I rarely watch a movie twice - unless I really love it! I'm a 'seen that why bother again' type of person and rarely buy DVDs and most of the ones I do own have been the result of gifts. There are movies which I do love and can watch over and over and over....Bridget Jones, Sweet Home Alabama, The Heat, Sex and the City, Pitch Perfect, The Wedding Singer to name a few!

One of the worst movies I have ever been forced to sit through came as the result of an off the cuff "I don't mind, you pick" statement that I have learnt to never say again!

I was a young teacher in my early 20s living in a remote North QLD town. I had met a young local lad and as we had only not long met and knew our relationship was possibly not going to be welcomed by some, we were keeping things quiet. One Friday night we had arranged for him to come over, I would cook dinner and he would bring a movie. Imagine my shock horror surprise when he showed up all excited, with this.....

Image Source
Yep..... 119 minutes of my life I am still trying to recover! (Perhaps it should have been a sign right there to run!!). As I was trying to impress I forced myself to sit through it and it took all my strength to watch the timer tick past the 20 minute mark and not stop it.

So, confession time....What's the worst movie you've forced yourself to sit through for a date??

Linking up this Monday Confessional with...

Ms Mystery Case


  1. Not a date but I went with a friend to see the first Twilight was so incredibly boring. I was pregnant at the time and sat there mourning the time that could have been spent napping in my comfy new bed. Popcorn also didn't really cut it for feeding said pregnant lady.

    1. Oh I am with you Tegan! Have NO interest in the Twilight movies! You must have been a good friend to sit there whilst pregnant!!

  2. Well as you know our first date included Schindler's List. We really need a third party to select our movies for us. Thanks for linking up.

    1. I have never seen that one but it had always been on my "movies to watch one day" list - am guessing I should take it off??

  3. I hate to say it but I LOVED that movie, but because I have a thing for Mark I suppose! I'm also a sci fi nut! I can't recall a movie I've hated, I just walk out now if hubby has on some B grade crap! Still lovely the new look blog BTW :)

    1. I think it was definitely perving on Mark that got me through this tough

      (and thanks for the blog love! Am having some more changes being developed for me! Am looking forward to showing them off! stay tuned!)

  4. I don't think I've watched this movie all the way through, probably a reason for that! I am a bit the same, it has to be good from the start or I lose interest. I don't like drawn out movies with too much hollywood dramatised crap, Pearl Harbour comes to mind, or it might just be a Ben Affleck thing. Will Ferrell movies give me the crappers too, they just do. :)

  5. Without a doubt it would have to be Open Water for me, it's the one and only time hubby and I have ever been to the movies, he picked it and promptly fell asleep. Worst movie ever. Planet of the Apes is up there too tho, it's pretty bad.
