Tuesday, 31 December 2013

to say farewell to 2013...

As far as years go 2013 has not been without it's challenges...if I'm honest I'd say it's probably up in the top 5 of crappy years, for a variety of reasons - some I've blogged about, some I haven't.

It's been a year where I have questioned a lot....questioned my life, my past, my present, my future...questioned my beliefs, my friendships, my values, my dreams and even my career.

It has been so easy for me to focus on the negative this year with each challenge that has been thrown my way but I know that that is not helpful or productive so today I want to look back over my year and focus on the good things that have happened.....

1. I started my blog!

Of course this is a positive! I have met so many wonderful, inspiring people in the blogging world through doing this. It has not been without it's challenges, time being the main one, but I have enjoyed learning and sharing a part of me with you all. There is that fine line between becoming an oversharer and writing from the heart which I am sure I will continue to struggle with in 2014 and while I consider myself still such a novice and my blog completely still under construction beginning this blog is definitely something I am glad I did

2. I completed 2 rounds of 12wbt!

This link will take you to the blogpost of when I reached my goal weight! I have blogged a lot in my early blogging days about my 12wbt journey so if you are interested scroll back to the beginning. Again Michelle Bridges 12wbt was something that I had thought about for a while but this year just felt like the right time. It also was not without it's challenges and overcoming a lot of those was a challenge in itself and while I am a little heavier now than I would like to be (far too many treats!) and I will admit that my goal weight didn't hang around for long, I know that it's possible and I know that I am MUCH MUCH fitter and stronger than I was 12  months ago - and that I am proud of.

3. I got a new job!

It has been a job that has given me many challenges and much enjoyment at the same time. It has allowed me to meet some wonderful new people and learn so much! Still not quite convinced it's my dream job but I have enjoyed it and something that I had been working towards for many years.

4. I met one of my favourite Australian bands!

I will shamelessly admit that when it comes to meeting celebrities I could be mistaken for a teenage groupy and meeting the boys from McAlister Kemp when I went to CMC Rocks North Queensland was no exception! I have loved their music for a while now and had been wanting to see them in concert for ages. They were such lovely guys and it helps that they look mighty fine as well! Was such a fun day!

5. I sold my house!

I was so disappointed in how my house was left when my tenants were evicted that it felt like selling it was really my only option. Being a landlord was beginning to feel like more like a burden than I wanted/needed it to be. Couple that with the dramas I had with my real estate and insurance company and I am happy to say goodbye! It has held mixed emotions for me but selling my house has taken a big weight off my shoulders! Technically it does not settle until next week but the paperwork is all signed and now it's just a matter of time..

Looking back over 2013 it was actually a lot easier than I thought to come up with 5 things, I could probably have kept going but don't want to bore you too much!

A lot of people have talked about their dreams, their resolutions and even their theme words for 2014... I am not going quite to that extreme at this point, I am not necessarily convinced that 2014 will be any different or better that 2013 but what I do know is that almost everything that will happen for me will be a direct result of a decision that I will make, so it will be what I make it... and I am going to try like hell to make it a good one!

Image Source

Til next year!

Linking up for the final time for 2013 with Essentially Jess for #IBOT!


  1. What a busy year you've had! It must feel great to have sold your house and have that weight taken off your shoulders. Congrats on reaching your goal weight! Love the Emerson quote. Wishing you a very happy New Year :)

  2. Yes what a busy year indeed Zita. Wishing you all the best for 2014 may it hold all that you hope for and be filled with fairy wishes and butterfly kisses

    1. Thanks Rhianna!! All the best for a wonderful 2014 for you!

  3. It's great that you've been able to focus on the good things in 2013...congrats on all your achievements! Hope 2014 is a rocking year for you!!

  4. Your year sounds like it was pretty full on! That is a great picture of you at the CMC Rocks too, your smile lights up the whole frame.
    I hope that 2014 is all sorts of awesome and you continue to grow and learn!

    1. Thanks Tegan! Am hopeful 2014 will be as you say it will!!! Hope you had a great NY!

  5. Glad it was so easy to find 5 things that were awesome! I really like that idea at the end of the year. Thanks so much for linking with IBOT, and here's to 2014 being better than 2013 :)

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look blog Zita, I'm a wee bit envious you did it all yourself also. Stoked you sold your house, especially after all the crap that you went through! I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for you and I - can't wait to keep following you :) Em xx

    1. Nawww Thanks Em! You are the nicest person I've never met!! hahaha
