Wednesday, 3 April 2013

for a final outfit update

Well I did it......a whole term of not wearing the same outfit twice....

A little hard to see I know but you get the picture!

I am secretly not surprised that I achieved this challenge, I know I have a lot of clothes. Another friend of mine told me this was a challenge I should not be proud of succeeding in..

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys and Twinkle in the Eye for Wordless Wednesday

My Little Drummer Boys     


  1. Ha ha I'd be proud! I'd love to have a stack of clothes like this that fitted me!

  2. Me too - I was inspired by you to do the same. It was a good challenge as it actually forced me to wear items that I have keep but often overlook! Should we try again for Term 2? I might even document it this time!

    1. Am not sure I could maintain it as the weather gets colder as my winter options are s bit more limited! Look forward to checking out your progress though! Do it!!

  3. Wow what a large selection of clothing you have.

  4. Meh to your friend ... at least you are making sure you wear it all!

  5. That's insane! I could not do that - you have a lot of clothes lol

    1. Haha... Yes I do... But still manage to stand there most days and can't find anything to wear!!! Lol..
