Wednesday, 17 April 2013

for Wordless Wednesday

Getting to this far too late today! Missed Confessions on Monday, missed IBOT yesterday but was determined not to miss this one!

Guess it goes with the them though.... I started a new job on Monday and 3 days in I am not sure how I feel, I really am loving it but have SO much to learn and really need to do it quickly if I want to be affective. So it has meant that by the time I get home (factoring in of course the hour and a half commute home through countless roadworks) I am absolutely bugger that the thought of doing any of my hobbies is the furtherest thing from my mind, blogging being one of them!

It also got me thinking of what else I have given up lately....

A few years ago my bestie and I did a beginners photography course and I swore it was something that I was going to continue but like everything it has been put on the back burner...

So in the spirit of Wordless Wednesday I will shut up now and share some of my favourite pics from that day...

I am by no means a budding photographer and claim that these are actually any good but it is a passion that I would like to explore more one day...when things settle down (yeah right!)

What  have you had to give up because life has gotten in the way....?

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday

My Little Drummer Boys 


  1. I would love to do a photography course and your photos are many things get put aside because life gets in the way don't they?

  2. That light on that branch is AMAZING! I have given up reading - boo. I have also given up writing eg a book I have always wanted to. But maybe I'll start again once kids are older! All the best for the new job! Em x

  3. Your photos are lovely and I love them all. I want to do a photography course one day.

  4. One day when life is my own again, and I have time, taking photos is one of my aims. there is so much to capture, but you need time to focus, to concentrate. The trouble is, I so look forward to grand children being in that future! Maybe they will be my focus. I will probably have that much time on my hands I will be bored shitless, so there is no time like the present! Oh my present is shit busy as it is! Don't forget to put photography on your bucket list, but if taking photos is what you love, you will be doing it without you even knowing ;)

  5. Love the colours in the trees/bushes. Beautiful!
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit
