Thursday, 21 March 2013

to reflect

 Sometimes I get so bogged down and caught up in all the things that I don't have or that are going wrong (and often who is to blame). It's so easy to do and I so often hear things that come out of my mouth and think "Gosh Zita, give it a rest!" It's often compounded by the feelings and emotions of those around us as well. If we surround oursleves with negative people then it's so easy to become that way as well and sometimes I need a big "things aren't that bad" slap in the face... 

Sure there are things in my life that I regret (I don't care what anyone says there are things most of us should regret!) but that doesn't mean they define me. 

Sure there are things that I want in my life that haven't happened or that I don't have (Husband, big fat diamond ring, kids being the biggest thing) but when this photo popped up on facebook earlier this week it did make me stop and think. Sometimes it really is the simple things in life and we do need time to stop and smell the roses (and if you are lucky enough, my dad's roses are the best!)

So....what are you thankful for....?

Linking up with  Leigh from Six by the Bay again for Thankful Thursday


  1. I love this photo, Zita. It really does put thing - life - into perspective.
    This week I'm thankful for finding strength in a place I didn't expect to. :)

  2. I am guilty of focussing on what I don't have, its something I have been trying not to do. I love this picture.

  3. so very true! needed to read this right now x

  4. You are so right about surrounding yourself with negative people, it really does rub off! The quote is beautiful and inspiring. Maybe those negative people we are talking about should read it!

    1. Always the way though, the ones that need it take no notice!

  5. Like your poster or light bulb moment. Nothing better than when dreams turn into reality.

  6. I'm thankful for blog posts that remind you to count your blessings, thank you!

  7. Its so easy to forget the simple things that matter most. Imagine if we were unwell, so many things that we think are important just wouldnt bother us anymore. I LOVE that photo. Thank you for linking up xxxx

  8. Ooh, I love that quote. It's easy to get caught up in little (or biggish) things, but that's a great perspective :-)

  9. Love it...Thankful Thursday...but today it can be thankful Friday for FYBF.
    I am thankful for a healthy 20 month old daughter. She is my treasure and delight, the laughter in my day and the reason I get up in the morning (literally)

  10. So true!
    So much to be grateful for, it is powerful to remind ourselves xx

  11. What a great post Zita. It all gets away from us at times and we focus on the thongs we hope will make it better instead of what we already have that can make us and others happy.
