Thursday 14 March 2013

for a career change!


About 6 years ago I decided perhaps there was more out there for me than just classroom teaching. I went looking for other options, I knew I still wanted to work with kids and that I wanted to continue to help them. So I settled on my Masters of Education in Guidance and Counselling. I worked full time and studied part time, attended Residential School during my school holidays and completed my final unit over Christmas holidays in 2009/2010...Finally I am STOKED to report that I have accepted a position as a Guidance Officer and will start the new role next term! 

I am really really excited! I know that I am not the only person they considered for the job, so in the spirit of Thankful Thursday I am so so so thankful that they chose me!

I know it will be another big learning curve and I am looking forward to the challenge. I am going to be based at a High School, which, as a Primary School Teacher, will be a big enough challenge on it's own. I will still have contact with small primary schools so won't have to worry about missing out on working with younger children.

So whilst I am on the countdown til the holidays and finishing up in the classroom I have SO much to do to make sure my class is all up to date and ready to hand over to the next teacher...

Wish me luck....

Linking up with  Leigh from Six by the Bay again for Thankful Thursday


  1. Luck! That would be a massive change! For me, after working in long day care and preschools and then teaching in a primary school that was very scary for me. xx

    1. Yep! I get that Carly! Primary School kids can be scary! LOL...Can't imagine what HS kids will be like! They'll be taller than me! and once they start getting facial hair! far out!!! thanks for commenting!

  2. Very exciting!! Congratulations! I used to work as a school psych for two years before I got into the health system. I prefer the adolescents to the kids but in general, schools offer a lot of variety!

    1. Thanks! Now I'll know who to come to for advice!

  3. Luck luck LUCK!! And well done to you! xx

  4. That's wonderful news! Congratulations and all the best with your new position.

  5. Ooooooooh, sounds wonderful! Im impressed that you will be working in a High School. It wouldnt suit everyone. I wish you all the luck in the world and love that you are challenging yourself! xxxxx

    1. Thanks Leigh! I am very excited and nervous at the same time! I hope working in a HIgh School will suit me!

  6. Congratulations! I hope it's wonderful for you :-)

  7. Congratulations! I hope the new position is everything you want and more. I'm sure your kids will miss you terribly and hope the next teacher is great to them. Best of luck!

  8. Go you! A massive congrats and you can DO IT! Em x
