Tuesday, 19 March 2013

for a Boot Camp Scavenger Hunt!

Last week I was STOKED to get a 1.6kg weight loss on my Wednesday Weigh In! So happy!

My exercise has been put on a bit of a back burner after a few back issues. I have continued to do cardio but Body Pump has been out of the question :-( The Chiro says I should be right by the end of this week but I have to concentrate on my posture to try and regain some normality through my spine, which is pretty much a mess!

My younger sister Linda is currently doing her own weight loss challenge at the moment and participating in an 8 week boot camp. On Saturday they ran a Boot Camp Scavenger Hunt where we had to go around to different parts of town doing exercises to earn points and after the 2 hours the team with the most points wins! We had to send piccies to her trainer along the way as proof of completion! Believe it or not I had so much fun doing it and while we don't know who won the competition yet (it's announced at their finale dinner) we know that we gave it our best and had fun doing it!

The view from one of the walks

Attempting to slide down the hill on some paper as we couldn't find any cardboard! Was SO funny!

One of our walks around Picnic Point
200 Star Jumps! Far out!!!

Smashed it!!

Our score sheet - SO proud of us!

Because it's Tuesday of course I am linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT

And Dear Baby G for a fitness post!

Dear Baby G


  1. Go girls! That view looks awesome - I reckon it helps to have a great view to keep you motivated and inspired. That's why I used to always go to the beach when I'd go running! Well done on the weight loss, too! -Aroha (#teamIBOT)

  2. What a fantastic idea to motivate and push boundaries. #teamIBOT

  3. what a sensational idea! way to jazz up your exercise routine - may just have to 'borrow' that concept! :) thanks for sharing - can always do with new exercise tips!

  4. That looks like an awesome way to work out - it's actually tempting me to get off my behind, which is a feat in itself! Kirsty @ My Home Truths

  5. What a fantastic idea to get people out and moving. Sounds like so much fun. Swinging by from #imustconfess

  6. Now THAT sounds like fun - and I normally think exercise is a dirty word!

  7. Oh, I used to LOVE sliding down hills as a child, but I'm so heavy now, I probably wouldn't slide anywhere. Ahem.

  8. Sounds like way to much fun to be had while exercising...I love going down hills with the cardboard...might take the kids one day. Congrats on all those exercise points! Excuse me while I eat another TimTam haha xx

  9. What an awesome way to incorporate exercise into a fun game!

  10. Even a lazy bones like myself could get behind that kind of fun exercise! Not sure I could do that many star jumps though - that sounds painful!!!

    Well done to you & your sis Zita! :)

  11. I still maintain that something like that would definitely get me moving - have you done more since Zita? And yay to you finally getting a FB page - yippee!

  12. That sounds like a fun way to exercise. I bet the time passed quick!

  13. This exercise actually looks fun and I'd even do some of it :) well done you!

  14. Wow what a fantastic idea. I'm slowly starting to get back into exercising after a long break (funnily following a broken rib).
