Tuesday, 5 March 2013

for week 4

So last Tuesday I signed off with the Wednesday weigh in looming...I really wasn't sure how it was going to go despite being happy with my diet, ok with my exercise and feeling much more organised for the week ahead... I had a 1.5kg weight loss! I was so excited. So that's a 1.9kg loss since the official start and a 3.1kg loss since I signed up a few weeks prior to the official start.

I came across this little quote about weight loss which I think is so true...(Hopefully you can read it)

If you look at me you probably would not even notice but I know that I am feeling so much fitter and stronger even in such a short space of time.

Week 4 is mini milestones week and so I looked back to what I wanted to achieve 4 weeks into the program. My goal was to be able to run 5kms without stopping. Given that the weather has been so shite here (we have just clicked over 9 days straight rain I think!) and that I am more of a treadmill runner than an outdoor runner, Sunday morning I thought I would test my goal! I am SO pleased to say that I did it!!! I set the treadmill at 7.0 which I know is not very fast and I shouldn't call it 'run' but jog, but I didn't change the speed, in fact I changed it up at the end for a big finish, and jogged the entire 5kms! So my goal now will be to try and do it that bit faster next time.

Week 4 also meant that we had to re-do our fitness test and measure. This I was a little more nervous about but it really wasn't that bad. I improved in every area and have lost centimetres off everywhere as well. Not much, but the numbers are certainly heading in the right direction! YAY!

I have gotten into a bit more of a routine with the eating that seems to be working better. I spend an hour or so on a Saturday morning (after a good workout!) sitting down and going through the meal plan set down for us and then altering whatever I need to and chosing recipes from the oodles of recipes in the recipe index to work out my own version of a meal plan. Then I only buy what I need for the next 3 days and then make another trip later in the week. I am making sure I work with what I already have in the fridge/freezer/pantry and select meals that can be reheated or frozen for later use. I am finding that this is saving me so much more food and I guess money as I am not throwing out so much food.

Thanks to everyone who has been commenting on these posts. Your words of support and encouragement mean a lot and I am glad you are reading! Keep 'em coming...

Fingers crossed for weigh in day tomorrow!

Because it's Tuesday of course I am linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT but also Dear Baby G for a fitness blog

Dear Baby G


  1. Congrats! Such a positive and motivating post - sounds like you are doing really well - hope that you keep it up and achieve your goal weight
    Love the treadmill set at 7 for 5km - good stuff xx
    Josefa from #teamIBOT

  2. Good luck with your weigh in - I am sure that you will do fine. I love that image, such a great reminder that body changes take time. Found you on IBOT!

  3. Hooray for the loss! That's amazing! I haven't weighed myself in ages, but I really should. Or at least take measurements or something
