Monday 28 March 2016

til next time...

I must confess this is my second attempt at writing this and I am frustrated beyond belief! I had more or less finished my post, drafting it using the blogger app, walked away... app closed... draft gone...

Really just links in with what I am blogging about today anyway.

Today we are confessing words that makes us cringe... Here goes...

It's been 3 weeks since I posted my New York Regrets. In the time I have barely given my blog a second thought. I must confess I really am not seeing the point of blogging at all and it has seemed to be more of a task than a joy. I love sharing my travel stories on my blog because, let's be honest, no one in my real life really wants to hear about it and blogging about it allows me to somewhat relive my experiences. I love sharing my photos, particularly on Instagram, but the desire to blog has disappeared and I am not sure I see the point of continuing.

I must confess I'm over it. I deleted the app off my phone a bit over a week ago and have not missed it at all. I still have messenger and can still access it on my iPad and laptop and that is all I need. It was becoming something I was doing to kill the boredom and giving no real value to my time or life. I would cringe looking at things people were saying and sharing and wondering why I bothered giving it my time. I need to give that time to something else. I would cringe when I would hear so many of my sentences starting with, "Did you see on Facebook..." or "Yeah I saw that one Facebook"... In my current circumstances I am feeling more and more disconnected from those who were once so close and dear to me, even with Facebook, as our lives have taken such different directions and paths and I know it's never going to be the same again, and it's no ones fault, it's just life... it happens, but somehow Facebook was/is making that feeling even worse. Truth be known I have barely posted on Facebook over the last few years anyway so I don't think I have been missed. Now don't get me wrong, I totally see the value of Facebook and think it's a great tool, when used appropriately, it's been a fantastic for keeping up friends and family up to date while travelling and connecting with all those friends I have made all over the world and it will always be there. I just don't need it to be there all the time. 

Now bear with me on this one... In my current situation I spend a fair amount of time with my thoughts and the little internal voices we all have. I have been questioning and thinking a lot about the decisions I have made over the last 18 months, as it was about that time I decided to walk away from my job. I question that decision, the decision to travel and how I went about that, the decision to come home, the decision to move in with my parents at the ripe age of 36, the decision not to take a job I was offered and all the implications that have come with all those decisions and where I find myself at this present time. So what has this got to do with passion... A lot of people talk about finding their true passion in life and there's more than a few quotes along that theme... I must confess I still have no idea what my passion in life is and I know that there are a lot of people in the same boat, but every time someone asks what I am doing/going to do/want to do/what my passion is... I cringe. I know it comes from a place of love and concern but my concern is that I have made so many decisions that seemed right at the time that with the value of hindsight I am questioning, that I'm going to end up back where I really don't want to be because I have left myself with no other viable options. 

I must confess I am not a big fan of goodbyes. I'm not sure if I would describe the feeling I have about it as a cringe, but it definitely evokes something within. Some might say a goodbye is the start of something new and sometimes that is the case and sometimes that is a good thing... but sometimes it is not. Goodbyes can be so unpredictable, you never know if it is going to be the last goodbye or what might happen after that goodbye is spoken. 

So I must confess that this post is goodbye from me. I can't be certain of the length of this goodbye. I still want to write, I still want to share my stories but for now I don't need or want the pressure and to feel like I HAVE to do it (and that pressure is only coming from within I might add), so I'm pulling up stumps but wanted to take this opportunity to thank each person who has taken the time to read, like, comment, share here on the blog and I will try and keep dropping by and supporting your blogs as I really do appreciate my blogging friends! Stick with me on Instagram though as that has always been my favourite form of 'blogging' and I will continue to do so over there! 


**Linking up with my favourite hostesses Kirsty at My Home Truths & Alicia at One Mother Hen**

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