Monday, 1 June 2015

taking stock and counting down

I must confess that I am well and truly on the countdown and things have been a little crazy around here as I finalise things before my next big trip! It has been a whirlwind 8 weeks since returning from my trip to South East Asia and I feel like I've been chasing my tail ever since, but alas, it is almost time to board a plane again!

This time next week I'll be in the air, or in Nashville, or in a jet lag induced trance somewhere (I honestly have no idea where I'll be as I struggle to work it out with flight lengths and time zones but what I do know is I won't be here!!

So what has been happening? I saw this on Pinky Poinker's blog last week and thought it was the perfect way to tell you what's been going on and how I go about preparing for a trip:

Watching: Inside the Mafia - quite prevalent in New York apparently ... let's hope I don't run into them...eeekk!

Making: a mess... why is it when I am packing my room turns into a massive mess? What is so difficult about taking clothes out of my cupboard and placing them neatly in my backpack??

Reading: all my paperwork, itinerary, trip notes etc to make sure everything is in order and booked before I go! Also lots of blog posts about things to do in New York so I don't miss a thing! (If you've got one feel free to share below!)

Looking: forward to just getting on the plane! My stress levels about travelling seem to reduce by 1000% when finally at 37,000 feet.

Playing: Pet Rescue and Candy Crush

Wasting: time playing said games

Wishing: I wasn't so addicted to playing said games...

Enjoying: all the catching up with friends before I go! I'm going to miss them while I'm away but all the good bye brunches/morning teas/lunches/afternoon teas/dinners have been wonderful!

Waiting: 6 days, 15 hours 19mins 40 secs..(at the time of writing this)..need I say more!

Liking: the fact that living the life I am living at the moment means I don't have to set my alarm to wake up for work Monday morning!

Loving: my life at the moment!! It's been a long time (if ever) that I have said that, but when you are about to head off on a trip that you've been planning for at least 12 months and that's been on top of your bucket list for years.... what's not to love!

Needing: (I have really struggled to think of something to write here - that's got to be a good thing, doesn't it??)

Noticing: the Aussie Dollar falling again against the USD... *insert sad face here*

Hoping: it rises again

Knowing: it probably won't but not really caring because let's face's not going to stop me shopping and eating and enjoying every moment of it!!

Thinking: about all the new experiences and friends I am going to make along the way!

Feeling: an abundance of emotions.... mostly excitement!

Bookmarking: so many pages and blogs about travelling and New York

Opening: my countdown app everyday just to watch the time ticking down! 

Listening: to as much country music as I can in preparation for CMA Fest in Nashville... my idea of music heaven! 

So there you have it... What's going on with you? What are you counting down to?

Linking up with My Home Truths for I must confess and One Mother Hen for Open Slather!

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