Monday, 17 November 2014

for some mini confessions

I must brain is fried....

I must confess I sat down to write my blog posts for the week ahead and ..... NOTHING...

I must confess, my brain is in ten million different places right now with many things going on in my world that's making for a stressed out GO.

I must confess I am trying to do too many things at once and don't think I am succeeding at any of them!

I must confess I was going to write this fab post about what to buy your child's teacher for a Christmas gift**

I must confess I will be glad when this week is over (Year 12s will be finished!!)

I must confess the thought of holidays being just a mere 4 weeks away excites and scares me at the same time.

I must confess I hate learning maths and teaching maths (which was Kirsty's prompt this week)

I must confess I have bought all but one of my Christmas presents and it feels damn good to be organised.

I must confess I was a little over all the hype around the G20 but then loved hearing snippets of Obama's speech at UQ.

I must confess that I got a little sick of reading FB status updates about how damn hot it was over the weekend. It was hot! We all felt it! Why do people feel the need to whinge about it!

I must confess it's 10:05pm Sunday night and I should have been in bed ages ago!

Do you have anything to confess.....???

Linking up with Kirsty for I Must Confess and Alicia for Open Slather!

**Vouchers to movies, day spas/beauty salons and book shops, wine, chocolate and jewellery....steer clear of coffee mugs, talcum powder and smelly soaps!

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