Monday, 10 November 2014

for dinner at the #1 restaurant in Ho Chi Minh

This week's prompt from Kirsty at My Home Truths was to share our go to recipe....

I must confess I don't do cooking... I don't do recipes... But I do do restaurants so decided to link up a post that I've had sitting in my draft box since not long after I returned from Vietnam.

Recently TripAdvisor released it's best restaurants around the world and I was not surprised to see Ichiban Sushi Restaurant top the list in Ho Chi Minh.

Now I didn't eat at all the restaurants in Ho Chi Minh but I did eat at this one and it was lovely! 

We had had a busy day, we were up early for our flight from DaNang to Ho Chi Minh. Because of our early arrival our hotel wasn't ready for us so we made use of that time by visiting some local attractions. 

First stop was the War Remnants Museum. The museum was opened a mere 6 months after the war ended and primarily contains exhibits relating to the American Phase of the Vietnam War. I was keen to look at the artefacts and find out more about the effects of the war but I must confess I ended up walking out. 

Reading the stories and seeing the effects of Agent Orange was what did it to me. The US military used this horrible concoction of chemicals that they sprayed that caused horrible serious health issues, such as tumours, birth-defects, rashes and cancer, amongst the Vietnamese people but also on the returning US servicemen. I found the photos quite confronting and left to head outside to look at some of the machinery. 

After the Museum we headed into town to check out the French inspired and built 
Cathedral and Post Office.

By this time our hotel was ready so we headed there and, for those if us who had chosen the optional trip to the Cu Chi Tunnels, had a very quick change and lunch and were in our way. That trip is worth a post on it's own so standby for that! Here's a sneak peek.... 

If you follow me on Instagram you've probably already seen that, if you don't, you should.... Click here! 

So after we arrived back from the tunnels eight of us from the group decided to break away and head somewhere different for dinner, it had been a long and pretty full in day and we needed some fun down time! 

One of the girls in my tour group had trusted Tripadvisor previously to decide on a dinner location with great success so we trusted her judgement once again. 

Ichiban came up as being highly recommended and within walking distance of our hotel. 

We drooled over the menu and the 'buy 1 get 2 free beers' and ordered up big! 

The waitresses relished at the opportunity to practice their English, which was already pretty good. It wasn't a long wait before our table was completely filled with amazing food.

We took our time eating and sharing entrees, mains and some even had dessert, before asking for the bill. 

Even though it was coming to the end of my trip I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole currency thing in Vietnam and had a giggle when the bill arrived and it being announced to the table that the total amount owing was 3.6million dong! 

Now that's about $190 Aussie Dollars which I think is bloody awesome for drinks and pretty much a 3 course meal for 8 people! 

The money counting begins!

So would I agree with TripAdvisor and recommend Ichiban Sushi Restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City.... Damn right I would!!

Linking up with Kirsty from My Home Truths for I Must Confess and Alicia from One Mother Hen for Open Slather.

1 comment:

  1. I love sushi so will pop this restaurant on my list for my next HCM visit. And that post office looks amazing! Thanks for joining in my #wednedaywanderlust link party
