Monday, 16 June 2014

for the A to Z of me..

I must confess life has been a little hectic and non-stop here in the last week. I went away for the weekend last weekend and had a lovely time celebrating my friend's hens weekend and got to see my gorgeous Grandmother. Then with just 4 days of work I had 3 conferences to attending meaning I didn't actually go to 'work' last week which makes me feel so behind and a little anxious as to what awaits me when I arrive today. I have also spent this past weekend moving in with my sister and trying to cram a full 2 bedroom units worth of crap stuff into one bedroom.

I must confess that blogging has been the furtherest thing from my mind but as I would hate to miss out on my Monday linky I am thankful that this weeks confession from Kirsty at My Home Truths is probably the easiest one ever!!
share the A to Z of you

Those of you who hang around here often will know that in April I was crazy enough to think that I could blog every day as part of the A to Z Challenge which means I already have the perfect post to link up.. I shared a piece of me each day for the month of April with the corresponding letter of the alphabet...

So if you missed it or want the joy of reading it all again I did a summary at the end and you can read it here

Linking up with Kirsty at My Home Truths for I Must Confess and also Alicia at One Mother Hen for Open Slather! Check 'em out!!!

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