Friday, 22 November 2013

for another edition of things I know..

It's been a while since I did a things I know post so here goes.....

Here's what I know lately....

*I have reignited my passion for reading - since I got my iphone and ipad a few years ago I had pretty much totally given up reading before bed each night. I would traipse to bed with iphone and ipad in hand and would spend the next hour or so scrolling through FB, Twitter, playing games etc etc and then be too tired to read anything. Before long the pile of unread books gracing my bedside table grew more and more dust and were left unread. A few weeks ago I decided that I was a bit over FB and all the wasted hours spent scrolling through mind numbing posts, pics and status updates, so now I leave my phone and ipad downstairs, head to bed with a trusty old alarm clock (you may remember them, in case you are unsure, mine is similar to the one shown below.), curl up and enjoy a few chapters of a good ol' fashioned book! I am actually reading a book at the moment that I have read previously. I got the sequel to the book and realised I didn't really remember what happened in the first book so decided to re-read it. Something I have never done before, I am usually a 'read a book once and throw it on the shelf' type of person, but I got to say, I am actually enjoying it and had forgotten a lot of the storyline.

Image Source

 *I cannot walk past Chicos in the supermarket if they are on sale! Today they were on sale and the packet is nearly all gone :(

*That with the latest artists annoucement for CMC Rocks the Hunter next year I really really really want to go! 

*I am still patiently waiting to hear about my job for next year. I have been told that 'in pencil' I am remaining where I am, but with the Government these days, 'in pencil' doesn't sit so well with me!

* I have 10 work days left of the year!! But that all depends on when my twin nephews decide to grace the world with their presence! Any day now boys...

*I am still patiently waiting for someone to buy my house! I have never experienced the house selling side of things and whilst I want the best possible price I can get for it, I also want it gone!

*I thought Aroha at Colours of Sunset was so brave for doing Ocsober and thought I could never do that, but here we are 22 days into November and I have not had a drink! (must do something about that!)

*I have not really started Christmas shopping yet. This is unusual for me as I am usually super organised and start in June when the end of financial year sales are on...this year there just seems to be too much going on and I know Christmas will sneak up and bite me in the butt and I'll be one of those mad shoppers out at 10:30pm on that night when they have 24 hour shopping still trying to think of things to buy!

*that hearing my godson say "Hello Maunty Zita" on the phone is guaranteed to bring a smile to my face every time!!! 

*that I seem to have lost who is hosting the Things I Know linkup!? If any one can enlighten me, that'd be great!

*that I'm linking up with With Some Grace for FYBF!


  1. I hope you don't have to wait too much longer until you find out where you will be working next year. I work in government too, so I know how stressful it has been over the last year and more. I haven't read a book for a few months either. I really need to get back to it. Maybe over xmas. Great list.

  2. nope a pencil is not a good reliable guarantee - good luck and lets hope the little fellas join you asap :) theres some Christmas shopping incentive - lots of bubba stuff :)
