Monday, 30 November 2015

Christmas gifts for travellers

I must confess one of my go to guaranteed pick me ups is shopping, and with Christmas just around the corner I thought I'd share with you four of my favourite gifts for travellers*.

Christmas gifts for travellers

Travel Journal - from InkyBlots
Quote Print - from PeppaPennyPrints
Quote Necklace - from HonourYou
Scratch Map - from Sellazaurus
I love shopping...if you know me in real life that won't be a surprise. But lately I have come to appreciate the value of a dollar a little bit more and instead of buying that gorgeous dress or that latest gadget I think about how that purchase is going to benefit me in the long term and how that money could be better spent (that dress could be a nights accommodation somewhere!).

With Christmas almost upon us (yes there is no denying it anymore!) I love shopping even more and thought I would share some gift suggestions for the traveller in your life. Best of all, they are all from Australian based Etsy shops and the Journal, Print and Necklace are all able to be custom ordered to suit your needs and wants. And how cool is that scratch map!? It's like a giant scratchie of the world and you scratch off the countries you have been to! If only I had a house to put it in!

Confess: Have you finished your Christmas shopping or haven't even started?
What would you buy for the traveller in your life?
Share your comments below!

***Linking up with My Home Truths for I Must Confess & One Mother Hen for Open Slather***
*this post contains affiliate links*

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