Monday, 14 July 2014

to sleep

This week we are confessing tales of sleep, which is a little ironic as I posted this on my facebook page this morning...

As I've gotten older I seemed to sleep in less and less. A 'sleep in' for me was sleeping til about 7am and that I was grateful for. I love the weekends when there is absolutely no reason to set an alarm and just wake up when I am ready to, not when my alarm starts screaming at me. A sleep in til about 7 on a weekend was still great and I would bound out of bed feeling restless and get stuck in to some exercising, get the washing on and have a lot of my home jobs done and dusted by 9am, ready to hit the shops and do my downtown jobs! I would usually then hit a wall and need an afternoon nap at around 2pm.

But these holidays for some reason that all changed. It could have had something to do with the fact that my favourite tennis tournament was on during the first week and an Aussie was doing so well in it that I was staying up until ungodly hours of the morning to watch it, which then meant sleeping beyond 7am most of the time. I think it's also because of the weather, Toowoomba has been so freaking cold and our unit is a little on the cold side, that it is just way too hard to get out of my comfy, cosy, warm bed, especially if there is no reason to.

Whatever it is, it's been great to just sleep until 'whenever o'clock' but sadly that has all come to a alarm screeching halt! It's back to school time again which means getting up pretty much before the sun and driving to work with the thermometer in my car tell me it's freezing degrees and me wishing I didn't have to leave my bed.

Are you an early riser or do you enjoy a good sleep in when you can?

Linking up with Kirsty at My Home Truths and Alicia at One Mother Hen...check em out!

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