Tuesday, 7 May 2013

for a 12wbt round 1 roundup!

I cannot believe that it's been 12 weeks and that it's all about to finish! Sunday was officially the last day and we ended with a bang...an amazing mushroom risotto!

I have certainly had my ups and downs and challenges during the last 12 weeks but I am so proud of what I have achieved.

About half way through I suffered from some back and neck issues which meant no more Body Pump and moderate exercise and then around week 8 I had to drop back to light exercise due to some other medical issues so while I could do was walk I made sure I stuck as close to my meal plans and calorie intake as much as possible.

I did not reach my goal weight (1.5 kilos short) I am not disheartened in anyway!

So here goes....my stats..

Total Weight Loss - 5.6kg

Chest - 3cm (really can't afford to lose weight here! lol)
Waist - 4.8cm
Hips - 6.5cm
Left Thigh - 6.9cm
Right Thigh - 8.3cm (how random!)
Left Arm - 1.7cm
Right Arm - 1.7cm

So that's a total of 32.9cm and I have definitely noticed it in my clothes as I have had to throw out so many pairs of pants that are now all saggy and big in the waist! A great problem to have I figure!

 My before and after pics - Week 1 to Week 12!

It was SO hard trying to take pics of myself in the bathroom mirror but this is as good as I could get it. Next time I am going to get my sister to come over and take them for me!

Obviously I still have work to do and that's why I have decided to sign up for another round! This time my focus will be on improving my fitness as that's what I have lacked in this round due to the health concerns!

Wish me luck....again!

And of course it's Tuesday so time for IBOT! Linking up with Jess from Essentially Jess


  1. Great effort! Well done. I'm thinking of doing the running program in this next round. All you 12WBTers are so inspiring.

    1. Thanks Alex, I'm still a little undecided about which program to do as I a bit of an indoor exerciser especially as we get closer to Winter! And I need it to fit into my crazy work schedule!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow you look fantastic! I've been procrastinating over doing a 12WBT for the last few rounds. I should just DO IT!!

    1. Thanks!!! And Mish would say...'just feckin do it!'.. U won't regret it!

  3. Wow! I am so impressed by the amazing effort of all you 12WBT girls! I am in awe of your amazing determination and stamina to do what you do.

    Well done :)

    MC x

  4. Good on you! I lost about 6 kgs too doing one round last year and then continued the healthy lifestyle without the program and lost 4 more. I think it's a pretty good program in that it's still quite balanced and not crazy (mind you, I didn't follow the accelerator days!) :)

    And isn't it annoying that the chest is where you keep losing cms??!!! I hate that....

    1. That's why I've enjoyed it because I feel like I'm eating such great food and not being restricted or deprived in any way and I can make it work to suit my life! Am hoping to not lose anymore off my chest! Lol...

  5. Oh wow, well done, you can certainly see the difference!

  6. I'm always in awe of anyone who undertakes a serious fitness commitment and sticks to it. My word I wish I could trust myself to do the same. But I'm just so scared of pain! Congratulations! #teamIBOT

  7. You look fantastic! you are inspiring! well done!

  8. Well done! I made it through the first 6 weeks but then lost my mojo. Good luck with round 2!

  9. Great work! I reckon sticking to any exercise and healthy eating plan is a great achievement, especially when up against injury and illnesses. Weight and cms lost is a bonus!

    All the best with round two!

  10. Go YOU! That is an amazing transformation! Congratulations and well done on deciding to back it up with another round! I have heard from people who have done the 12WBT before, and after 12 weeks they go back to their own habits and haven't learned anything! I'm so happy for you! x Aroha

  11. Whoop whoop, well done and what a noticeable difference, and go you for dong it again!

  12. Congratulations!!! You look great and I can definitely see a huge change! I've thought about doing it lately, just to tone up a few problem areas, but I'm iffy about the food, cause I'm such a fussy eater anyway.

  13. I'm surprised at how noticeable the difference 5kg makes. Well done on not just the end product but on sticking with something for 12 weeks - long enough for habits to form!

  14. Yeeha!!! You look fabulous and a real noticeable difference. Well done you xxx

  15. AWESOME!!! I too just completed the 12wbt.... not doing the next round as I am going to try and push myself. Good luck for round 2 xo

  16. Good on you! The difference is so noticable. I imagine you're feeling lots better as well. Good for you!
