Wednesday, 30 January 2013

to give up the excuses!

So one of the first pre-season challenges that Michelle gave us was to banish the know the ones, all those excuses you use as to why you are not eating well and exercises...

So here was my list, am sure you've used them yourself..
  • It's too hot,
  • It's too cold
  • It's too late
  • I'm too busy
  • I've got a headache
  • I'm not really that fat....(?)
  • I can eat that because it's a birthday party/wedding/special occasion/lunch with the girls/the day ends in 'y'.....and believe it or not, one that I use quite often...
  • I straightened my hair last night and if I exercise it will get sweaty and I'll have to have a shower and wash it! 
And I am embarrassed to say that just about every one of those excuses has run through my head this week as I started back at work..I am a classroom teacher but took a 3 year break from the classroom to do an advisory role. I am now back in the classroom responsible for 25 little cherubs and feeling really behind the 8 ball as a lot has changed with the curriculum in 3 years!

So the excuses have snuck in this week and I don't like it at all..... Hopefully get myself into more of a routine before the 'official' start date.

What excuses have you used...?


  1. I am about to go to the movies and this is the excuse I'll use tonight to eat crap - I'll have popcorn and frozen coke at the movies and that will be my dinner! It's back to school for me too and the only exercise I have done this week is a walk to office works to buy printer cartridge. But going to work at 6.30am and coming home at 5.00pm is a good enough excuse right? :)

  2. Not being organised / having exercise planned is my worst excuse. When I have things organised and planned, I seem to stick to my plans so much better. This weekend I am getting my Fit Journal out and planning my exercise for the next week.
    I have registered for the 10km Brisbane Twilight Run on 24 March and the 5km Colour Run on the Gold Coast on 16 April - I HAVE to get started !!!
    Good luck and have a great day !

    1. Good luck!!! Would love to hear how it goes!

  3. I think not wanting to mess up your hair is a valid excuse! It's all in the scheduling :)

  4. Congratulations - I just nominated you for a Leibster Award
