Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Children of Cambodia

When I tell people I volunteered at a Childcare Centre in Cambodia for a month one of their first questions is "What were the children like?"...

I'm a little dumbfounded by this question as, they are children, just like any other children. A little bit sweet, a little bit naughty, a little bit cheeky, a little bit cute, a little bit funny, a little bit crazy! They were just like any other children.

It was no surprise to me, especially being a teacher (or should that say 'former teacher') that, despite the fact that the children in the room where I spent most of my time spoke next to no English, I was able to pick up on their little personalities and traits. Some days I just wished I knew what the hell they were saying! 

Not a day has passed since I left them that I haven't thought about these kids. Wondering what they are up to, how they are, wondering what the future has in store for them and their country. But for now I just look at their beautiful faces and smile that I got the opportunity to spend some time with them. 

LEROY!! Constantly pointing and amazed by everything

Attitude! Don't mess with these babes!

Love the innocence in the eyes

Butter wouldn't melt in my mouth.... unless someone has a piece for Lego I want!

This little one had me wrapped around her little finger!

Poking our tongues out when we see ourselves on the phone camera

When she'd tug at my shirt and beg "Up teacher, UP!" I could not resist!
One of the gentlest souls I met

Cheeky Cheeky Cheeky

Another question being asked of me frequently is would I go back..... My response...

"In a heartbeat!"

Linking up with Agent Mystery Case for Worth Casing Wednesday, My Brown Paper Packages for Wednesday Wanderlust and My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday. 

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