Monday, 12 January 2015

for a new backpack

My without a doubt bargain buy in this years Boxing Day sales was my new wheelie backpack and packing cells from Kathmandu!

I was fortunate enough to get a $100 gift voucher to use at Kathmandu from some lovely people at work and went looking for some new luggage to get me through my adventures this year. I had been doing some research and had decided that I wanted to invest in a backpack on wheels. I am not a big backpack person and hundreds, probably thousands, of dollars being spent at the Chiropractor and on remedial massages seems like such a waste to then go put a heavy arse backpack on it but I do like the convenience of them if need be. So a backpack on wheels seems like the perfect compromise, and this one was a bargain.

Prior to the sales I had written off the Kathmandu ones due to the expense, but with the voucher, some money from my Grandmother and an awesome sale I got exactly what I wanted.
70 Litres of spacious wheelie backpack heaven

It did also have an optional day pack that can be attached to it, however I already have another small pack that I use as my day pack so I decided against it at this point.

While I was there, and given how good the sale was I decided to invest in some packing cells. Lots of people swear by them these days but I never saw the fuss. During my last trip to Vietnam I used suction packing bags and they were great, especially because I did my fair share of shopping there!
Time will tell how good these are.

New packing cells

In the bottom left hand side is a cotton sleeping bag liner. Sometimes when travelling, beds and linen can be lacking and/or questionable, so a tip I picked up from another traveller is to invest in a sleeping bag liner that you can slide into if such a need arises....eek..

So how much were all my bargains and how much did I save?

The sleeping bag liner was 60% off making it just $23.99. There was a deal on the packing cells, any 3 for $25, which was a bargain as the large one is usually $29.98 on it's own. The backpack was the biggest bargain down from $499.98 to just $224.98!

All up I purchased $709.84 worth of goodies for just $298.97, so with the voucher and other money I had received, my out of pocket expense was quite minimal! A bargain indeed I would say!!

Can't wait to put all of this to good use very soon! Stand by in the coming weeks as I reveal where I am wheelie backpacking to first and whether my new bargain backpack is up to the challenge!

I have just had a quick look at it seems the massive Kathmandu sale is still happening so if you are in the market for any camping, outdoor or travel gear be sure and check it out!

Linking up with Kirsty at My Home Truths where you can read more about bargain Boxing Day buys, and Alicia from One Mother Hen for Open Slather.

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